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So what is your on-line Business Reputation & should you care ?

Actually, yes you should care what your reputation is. Here is why:

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So in this example you are searching for a “Jewelry Store Portland”. You see three come up – all three have a different rating. One has  0 zero rating, the other has a 4.7 and the last one has a 4.8. So which one would you choose ?  Exactly the 4.8.


Check out how you business is portrayed on the internet.  Just type in “Company name – City – Reviews” and see what comes up. If you are not showing at least a 4.0 review you are definitely  losing out to prospects who are passing you by.


What to do?

Immediately start gathering reviews from current and past customers. You need at least 10 for credibility. Consider working with a company that will do the following:

  • Personally Train All your staff on Reputation
  • Develop A Reputation Strategy for you to get reviews fast
  • Build your reputation & position you as the market leader
  • Monitor & Alert you on new reviews everyday
  • Build a Customized mobile app to collect reviews
  • Program professionally designed survey and feedback pages
  • Create monthly reputation & feedback analysis Reports
  • Post reviews to your website, blog plus one other site
  • Daily Post your reviews to Facebook, Google+, Linkedin & Twitter
  • Create Professional Review Images for sydication
  • Create & Broadcast monthly “Review Commercials”

Yes, we can do all of the above for you. Contact us for more info.

Here is a FREE Reputation Report for your business (Click Here to run Report)

Want to learn more about the importance of Reputation Marketing ?   Here is our great 20 minute video (Click Here to play)


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