Jingle my Business Name!

Why a Jingle?

  • A very effective Marketing tool – An Audio Jingle
  • Audio Jingles Drives Consumer Recall
  • Jingles with your business search term – Cut Through the noise
  • 50% Of web visitors are viewing on their phone – Having your jingle play 1st and Last provides a powerful message – they remember
  • This is your Final Cost – No Future Royalty Payments – You Own the jingle 100%!
  • We have a Full 100% Customer Satisfaction Guarantee!

Sing your Search Terms for Google

Sing your Unique Selling Proposition

Sing Your Phone Number

Let’s talk about Earworms.

That’s an ugly word but this is what it is. Just think about this, if you’ve ever gotten a song lyric and melody stuck in your brain and can’t get rid of it.

That is the definition, and this is the internet Wikipedia definition of earworm you go Google that as well. near one arm song, sometimes known as a brain warm or sticky music or stuck song syndrome or involuntary musical imagery. This is all Psychological Science.

It’s a catchy piece of music that continually repeated sail through a person’s head mind after it’s no longer playing, you know, you ever caught yourself singing, the chorus to a song, but like Eric said I couldn’t get that phone number out of my head. Well, people don’t think of just phone numbers but here’s what happens I started thinking what if the lyrics that people got an earworm on were your search terms, your unique selling proposition.

And your phone number and nothing more.

Would that help your business?

We’ve already proven with some of these examples, I’m going to show you in a minute. It will help your business, because if you can build an earworm in a market over time.

You can get people remembering the three most important things you want them to do your Google search terms that you’re number one for, and usually that could be your web address what you do. In a sentence, you know we kill bugs, we, we fix roofs, we make sure your electrical works. We make beautiful hair we sell that we create beautiful smiles I mean very short one sentence, unique selling proposition of your service, and then singing, phone number, and nothing more.

Years ago, when you combine a marketing message with melody, it gets implanted into the subconscious and creates an earworm.

So the memory retention of your search terms your phone number.

All of those things can be memorized in a market, if there’s enough exposure of people hear it over and over again.

Let me tell you what I did for Eric Gardner.

And I’m getting amazing results in the last 30 days.

And I named it search and call advertising but here’s the formula, saying, your search terms for Google.

Seeing your unique selling proposition and saying, your phone number, Google can control. Let us get rid of your pest control.

Here’s what happened in 30 days.

Over 3800 views in Canton Georgia Canton is just a small suburb of Atlanta.

And in 30 days, he had 3800 views to his commercial.

And that was mostly on cell phones. But that’s not the real magic. That’s not the opportunity that business owners are getting excited that he’s getting responses, people are calling, they’re saying they’ve heard his jingle one person actually called up and said, and you must be doing well to get a jingle I mean, it’s getting in the ears and it’s only been 30 days.

Main Choice Inspections
Tex Inspect Home Inspection
Best Sellers Builder
Right Down The Middle – Male

Smooth Female
Creepy Creatures – June 2019
  1. Canton Termite – Country Theme
  2. Right Down The Middle
  3. R&B Female – Smooth Female
  4. Tex Inspect – Adam and Main Choice

Pick your style # below – Match it to samples above (4 Themes – 3 Singers – 3 Styles of Music) You receive 1 Theme and 1 Singer per order.

Jingle Lyrics have Google Search Terms that are unique to your business, what you do and your phone number. These Jingles are all put together in Nashville, TN by experienced, proven professional singers, producers, and jingle writers.

BONUS: We include a fully produced audio commercial for the internet/YouTube/Google Advertising with each order (a $598 value – Limited time offer)


NOTE: We do limit the number of Business Jingles Per Market based on a first come first serve basis – If we find your market is taken by a competitor,  we will cancel and promptly REFUND your order.