Sloping Block Builders Melbourne

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Since our inception in 1976, we have had an outstanding reputation for creating the kind of homes people fall in love with from the ground up. We take you through the exciting journey of building a quality home, guiding you at every step. Sloping sites or split-level sites can offer amazing views and vantage points. However, they require an expert approach from someone who is well-versed in dealing with drainage issues and engineering considerations that require seasoned expertise. We are skilled, qualified, trained, and fully licensed to deliver the highest standards.We all have different tastes, that’s why Lentini Homes invites you to discuss your desired custom build with us. Share your ideas and let’s work together to custom create every detail, from initial floor plans, right through to landscape gardens that will complement your home brilliantly.Lentini Homes are the most preferred Hampton-style home builders in Melbourne. As professionals, we provide you with properties that bring together the sophisticated coastal style of the grand homes of Melbourne, Australia. Brought up by the most experienced professionals in the industry, we assure you of long-lasting solutions for you and your family. After all, Lentini Homes are not volume builders.Lentini Homes are the most preferred Hampton-style home builders in Melbourne. As professionals, we provide you with properties that bring together the sophisticated coastal style of the grand homes of Melbourne, Australia. Brought up by the most experienced professionals in the industry, we assure you of long-lasting solutions for you and your family. After all, Lentini Homes are not volume builders.

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