Siddons Law Firm

Contact Information
230 North Monroe Street, 19063, USA
Detailed Information

When hiring an attorney, you should always go with one with a reputable record of accomplishment. Here at Siddons Law Firm, we believe that all clients should get the right representation. Our attorneys are professionally trained to come up with long-lasting solutions to every case; be it bankruptcy or personal injury claims. We understand the frustrations that come with doing the paperwork of any case. Therefore, our team does extensive research to ensure that you get the right compensation from your insurance company in case of an accident. We have the best attorneys in Media who are willing to help you with any case. Contact us today to schedule an appointment with our exceptional lawyers.

At The Law Offices of Michael Alan Siddons, Esquire we offer competitive pricing for your personal injury cases. Other firms charge 33-45% of a settlement, but with our Contingency Fee structure, you only pay 25% of your settlement (plus attorney costs) if we settle your case without going to trial and 33% of your settlement (plus attorney costs) if we go to trial.

It’s your case so YOU deserve the most out of YOUR settlement.

Schedule an appointment at a personal injury law firm in Media, PA; Rising Sun, MD & Staten Island, NY today.

If you feel like you’re drowning in bills, late fees, and missed calls from creditors, you’ve come to the right site. A local bankruptcy attorney from The Law Offices of Michael Alan Siddons, Esquire can help you explore the different bankruptcy options available to you. Schedule an appointment at a bankruptcy law firm in Media, PA; Rising Sun, MD & Staten Island, NY today.

Opening Hours
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Contact Siddons Law Firm