Dental Implant Center NYC

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Breathe Easy. In Dr. Condos’ skilled hands even your most serious dental problem is absolutely treatable!

Five reasons to choose Dr. Condos:

  • Dr. Spiro Condos is an instructor to professors and other dentists from all over the world.
    You can trust in his skills, knowledge and experience.
  • As a warm and truly compassionate human being, you will feel safe under his care.
  • If you have complex dental problems that seem insurmountable, Dr. Spiro Condos can help.
  • Dr. Condos is the go-to for referring dentists to handle complex dental cases.
  • You’re ready to have dental treatment, such as dental implants or cosmetic dentistry work you’ve been avoiding.

As the instructor to professors and dentists from all over the world, Dr. Spiro Condos is one of the most respected dentists in NYC. You can trust in his skills.

As a warm and truly compassionate human being, you will feel safe under his care.

About Dr. Spyridon Condos DDS, FAGD, DICOI

In this era of mega dental practices when patients can be passed around from one dentist to another, Dr. Spiro Condos has taken back the concept of patient care. A leading cosmetic dentist in NYC and the only dentist in our practice, Dr. Condos is the practitioner you’ll deal with. Many other dental offices routinely send their most difficult cases to him to solve, and he often collaborates with other dentists to find the best treatment for his patients.

Dr. Condos focuses on providing quality dental implants for NYC patients. If you want to upgrade your smile, improve your oral health and regain your confidence in life, schedule an appointment to find out how he can help you.

A Passion for Helping

Dr. Condos’s passion is helping people whose dentistry needs outstrip the ability of other practitioners. Some patients arrive with dental problems have been reviewed by one specialist after another, and which seem to be insurmountable.

With a focused, compassionate approach, Dr. Condos takes the time to address your fears and concerns, to tell you what’s going on and explain your options. He loves solving complex, difficult dental cases, and while he always recommends the most conservative treatment first, the doctor is also diligent about looking past the immediate issues and anticipating problems that could arise in future.

Dr. Condos often performs complex surgery on patients who are referred to him by other dentists. These patients then go back to their regular dentist for the final fitting of crowns and bridges.

Contact Dental Implant Center NYC