Basal implants, also known as immediate loading implants, can be placed and restored with a temporary prosthesis in a single session, unlike conventional implants. Enquire about them today!
Basal Implants are the future in the world of dentistry and Simpladent Clinics is at par with the international dental standards, hence solving your dental problem with ease. Some of the common dental problems that people, across the globe, face are Missing Teeth and decayed Tooth! Though they are attributed to many problems like gum disease, accidents, they can be treated using Implants and dentures.
Wearing dentures for longer periods may weaken the bone structure and gums. So, dental specialists at Simpladent clinics recommend undergoing dental implantation using Strategic Implant®. They are also called Basal implants for the reason that they are implanted on the Basal region.