AWG Bakery

Contact Information
2630 Croydon Drive, California, 93657, USA
Detailed Information

Welcome to AWG Bakery, your go-to destination for delicious gluten free and grain free bread. Serving customers in California, Tennessee, Georgia, and South Carolina, we take pride in offering our products at exceptional locations throughout these states. Located in Laguna Hills, CA, AWG Bakery was founded by Hanna, who understood the struggle of finding bread that was both gluten-free and Paleo-friendly while still being tasty.

In 2016, I started the Instagram account @airwaterandgreens to share my love of healthy eating with the world. During that time, I was diagnosed with a number of health issues including hypothyroidism, leaky gut, major hormonal imbalances, and gluten intolerance. On a quest to naturally cure myself, I found the healing powers of anti-inflammatory foods and the Paleo lifestyle.

Living this way meant cutting out many foods, including something I truly loved, bread. After years of not eating it, I decided to develop my own recipe because I could not find anything on the market that met my dietary restrictions and actually tasted good. It took a year to perfect, and now I am so thrilled to share it with you!

I also cut out toxins from life such as plastics, chemical home cleaners, and certain skin care brands, which some specialists believe was potentially the root cause of my health issues. After learning so much, it was extremely important to me that AWG bakery bags and labels are non- toxic, BPA free, eco-friendly, and 100% compostable.

Contact AWG Bakery