ASAP Defense Parts is your one-stop NSN parts sourcing platform, our website featuring over 2 billion new, used, obsolete, and hard-to-find offerings that trace back to thousands of leading manufacturers from across the globe. You are always welcome to conduct an NSN search or CAGE Code lookup with our provided search engine and filters that can narrow down our vast listings and pinpoint results through designations like FSC code, NIIN, part type, and more. Feel free to explore our expansive selection as you see fit, and if you happen to take an interest in any items that are marked as available, do not hesitate to request a quote for your comparisons with our online RFQ forms.
We uphold a strict NO CHINA SOURCING pledge, meaning each purchase ships out alongside any applicable qualifying certifications and manufacturing trace documentation. With our purchasing power, market expertise, and strong NSN parts supplier relationships, we are in a position to provide highly competitive pricing and rapid lead times for your benefit. Furthermore, as we operate with AS9120B, ISO 9001:2015, and FAA AC 00-56B accreditation, you never have to worry about the fit, form, or function of your purchased marine parts or other similar products. Keeping this in mind, start the procurement process for the items that you require from us today, and experience how we can serve as a dependable NSN parts distributor for all your needs.