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Take Advantage of Google Analytics

How much do you spend on Video Ads AND what are the results?

Did you know about the FREE report Google has for you as part of Video Analytics?

This is an invaluable part of Google Analytics that can help you continually make improvements to your video campaigns. YouTube Analytics lets you monitor the performance of your channel and videos with up-to-date metrics and reports. There’s a ton of data available in different reports. You can check views, traffic sources, demographics, and more.

Here is a link to a helpful article on the basics:

Here are some screen shots to demonstrate:

Inline image 1

#1 shows your Cost Per View
#2 shows your total cost

Inline image 2


Views – #1 number of times was viewed
# 2 number of times ad is shown divided by video shown in thumbnail
# 3 % of Click through rate – the % to your web site
# 4 Actual clicks to Web site from video

Inline image 3

How long did people watch?

Of people that watched, 77% watched 25% of ad
46% watched for 50% or half
31% watched for 75% of ad
31% of the total watched all of it

It’s also important to run two ads similar: an A/B test, so you can compare.

Check it out, get familiar with it and take advantage of this great service!

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8 Video Marketing Content Ideas


So you’ve heard that video marketing is essential for your marketing plan. You’re just not sure what to make a video about. You’ve been planning to make a video for a while, but you just don’t have any ideas. Lucky for you, we’ve come up with a list of 8 content ideas to get you started.


  1.  Address Questions or Provide Advice

Create a video that answers recurring questions that clients have. You can focus on only one question during a video, or address several at a time. You may even consider answering questions that you wish your clients would ask. You can use this kind of video to dismiss common concerns and objections that your audience may have.

A great way to create this kind of video is to pose the question, issue, or myth at the beginning. Then answer, resolve, or prove it later in the video. You could even create a video series and wait to answer the question until the following video. This will give you a reason to create another video and keep people interested in the subject.

You can also provide advice that your clients will need about a certain subject. Make a video about the essential tips, keys, and resources that your clients need to know about. Lists are a great way to go about this. For example, give 8 tips for creating exciting video content or the 3 keys to the perfect family vacation. In this video, you can address common mistakes that you see and help others avoid making the same mistake.

  1.   Demonstrate Tutorials

Give your audience the “how-to” to pretty much anything. It doesn’t have to be focused solely on your products or services. Include any ideas that flow with your subject and will help your followers. This will extend your scope to a broader audience.

Tutorials will help your followers solve problems and in return, you will gain their trust. Put together a simple and easy-to-follow demonstration of the topic. Guide them through the steps of planting a garden or how to re-purpose a drab room. You can even make an entire video series of a longer tutorial.

This kind of video is especially great for new releases. Faithful followers will be excited to learn about your new product or service. New clients may even be pulled in with a “how-to” about something they’re interested in. Letting your audience experience step-by-step your new feature will let them see for themselves why it’s so great.

  1.   Conduct Interviews

Not every video you produce has to come just from you. In fact, it will keep things even more exciting by bringing in someone new. Consider conducting an interview with an expert that could provide new insight or ideas for your audience. Perhaps it’s someone that created a resource in your field, or a well-known speaker in the trade. Bringing guests into your videos will keep your videos intriguing and build resourceful relationships.

You can also conduct a less formal interview video. Try conducting and filming a public poll. Ask the public their opinions on an issue and put them together for a natural and unprompted feel. Your audience will appreciate the genuine opinions of people just like them about your products.

  1.   Exhibit Products

Whether it’s your own product or an outside resource, exhibiting helpful products will pique your followers’ interest. Record the revealing of a new product that your followers will love. Or review a product that you think your audience will be interested in. Either way, demonstrating a “new” anything makes for an exciting video.

For a successful exhibition video, be up to date with current trends and popular subjects. This will pull in new crowds who are searching about these issues. You can even have a little fun with it and make a parody video about another video, a product, or song.

  1.   Build a Relationship

As always, building a relationship with your followers is important. There are several ways to do this. Anything that will be personal can be used to build a relationship with your clients. Something as simple as asking for their comments and opinions at the end of the video will get you started.

We’ve talked about showing off your products and services, but perhaps even more importantly, you need to show off your mission statement. You can create an inspirational video that highlights the “why” behind what you do. Discuss the theory of your company as well as your personal journey to getting to where you’re at now.

Consider sharing experiences from your personal life and the things that you care about. Besides introducing yourself, you can present your entire team. Record a typical day in the office and condense it into a few minutes to introduce each person—from the mail delivery guy to the office manager. Let people get to know each of you on a personal level.

  1.   Present Statistics

Videos with statistics are very popular. Tell people how some interesting statistics will impact their lives. An excellent way to make a video using statistics is through infographics. They’re impactful and shared a lot across social media.

Make your statistics even more interactive by using a whiteboard to tell the story. All you need is the camera, a marker, and a little artistic skill. Something as simple as a whiteboard video will stick in your followers’ minds and they’re bound to share it. Make sure to wrap up the video by calling the viewer to action based on what they’ve learned.

  1.  Feature Testimonials

Create a video featuring several of your clients that have appreciated your services. Testimonials are always helpful to potential clients, but they are even more sincere when they’re filmed. Consider interviewing multiple clients in one video, or you can focus on one client’s story per video. This kind of testimonial will make your company seem more personal and your audience will be able to see that other people have genuinely loved your service.

  1.       Record Events

Any event is a great excuse to produce a new video. Videos can be used before, during, and after any occasion to promote your business. Try creating a video before an upcoming event to promote participation. During the event, you can film the “behind-the-scenes” of perhaps a motivational seminar or a local competition. Interview the keynote speaker or a contest winner. This will keep your audience intrigued about what it’s really like at your event. And following the event, be sure to produce a video highlighting the key points or fun moments that occurred. Covering any special occasion will keep your followers interested and ready to sign up for the next fun event that you host.

You can host your own virtual event by creating a video contest. Extend a challenge for your followers to create and submit their own videos about a certain topic. For example, give them a lead such as “The Most Creative Snowman” and let them run with it. Offer a prize and publish the winning videos. This will spark enthusiasm and interaction with your followers.

Hopefully this list will help you get started on your video marketing plan. Make your own list based on the ideas here and you’ll be surprised at how fast inspiration will come. You can even go back through your previous posts and create a video about existing content. There’s nothing wrong with using a good idea twice.


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Why Your Small Business Needs Video Marketing

As a small business, deciding where to spend your marketing budget can be tough. In recent years, there are countless strategies that have opened up in digital marketing. But where to put your time and money?

You’ve heard a lot about video advertising. But what’s so great about videos anyway? Video is one of the most powerful advertising tools out there. Here’s why you, as a small business owner, should consider video marketing.


  1.       Free and Easy Advertising

When consumers are looking for a service, the first place they turn is to a search engine. Search engines boost content that is engaging, which means that a page with a video is given high priority. According to Marketing Week 2012, video results appeared in nearly 70% of the top 100 search results on Google. That gives your business a better chance of being searched and seen if you’re advertising with videos.

Videos are good advertising because they are easy to share. Your small business doesn’t have to use up the entire marketing budget to buy advertising space when video can take care of it all for you on social media. On Twitter alone, there are more than 700 videos shared per minute. Advertising with a video makes your content more shareable online. As consumers view videos they connect with, they’ll want to share them with friends. And that’s free and effective advertising for you! Don’t underestimate the power of word-of-mouth, even when it occurs online.

Fortunately, the costs of video production are affordable. So even if your business has a fairly small marketing budget, videos allow you to reach larger audiences while using up fewer dollars to do it. Not only is producing a video relatively cost-effective, it’s also long-lasting. While traditional advertising lasts for a limited time, online videos will be available for years to come. This gives your business more exposure every time a new online search is made.

Video can be simple, cheap, and still be effective. Your small business doesn’t need to throw away thousands of dollars and hours coming up with the next “Charlie Bit My Finger”. The video doesn’t need to go viral in order to do its job. If you’re not inexperienced in creating videos with your own equipment, hiring a video production company is a safe and budget-friendly way to go.


  1.       Capitalize on Being a Small Business

One of your biggest advantages as a small business using video is that video is personal. Being able to put a face to your business is important in an online setting, especially for a small or local business. It will build trust, credibility, and show your audience that you’re in touch with their needs. It’s by far the best way to create a lasting and relatable first impression. Videos also give your audience an opportunity to interact with you, making your business seem even more personal.

When you create a video that is personal, you can capitalize on the fact that you’re a local business. A video gives you the chance to show off your employees, your story, your vision, etc. This levels the playing field between a small business and a big corporation. A video can show the audience that your small business has something that the others don’t have—that personal, local touch. It’s the best way for your audience to see that small means personable and personable is best.

Watching a video creates an emotional, interactive experience. Since videos combine several marketing elements such as body language, sounds, visuals, and of course, words, they are highly persuasive. All of these elements interact to give the viewer a clear idea of your message and provoke an emotional experience. People can be moved to laughter or tears, all the while being educated about your message.

For example, the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge: hundreds of people shared videos of them dumping freezing water on their heads. Video’s power to elicit emotions and call to action is what spurred this campaign to success.

Using video marketing is a must for small businesses. Videos are blurring the lines between big corporations and local businesses. It’s a marketing strategy that’s available to essentially anyone. Creating a video is an experience that requires minimal effort and goes a long way for your audience.

It’s simple—you need video. No other strategy can create the relationship that your business needs to have with its audience.

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YouTube Video ads provide the power of selecting the correct audience – Demographic & Reach

If you currently advertise on radio, TV, Cable TV and newspaper, I have a question for you:

Where do you believe your customers are spending more and more of their time?

With YouTube Video ads you are able to actually set the type of audience that meets your business demographics and reach.

Here are some interesting facts regarding being on the internet – YouTube specifically:



So how can you benefit from NEW customers/prospects on the internet.

The best vehicle – and most cost efficient – is through YouTube Video Ads.

Here is why –

Cost per click/view is Very low – Low Competition

Availability is very high – sometimes as high as 80% depending on location and key words/phrases selected

cost per

Your commercials run on the

Network serached



You select your budget by day:




Choose by city, state or even zip code where to run your ads:



We provide reports – How Long did viewers watch your video ? What % ?

view rate


What type of device did your viewers watch your video on: ?



What did it cost per viewer and % ?


Tell me age of people watching my video: ?


Gender of viewers ?

Video ran before what other videos: ?


Setting my own targeting: ?


We can tell you what country your video was watched in and for how long: (through Google Analytics)   and  Audience retention rate:



viewby state







By now you are probably surprised at the capabilities and opportunities for advertising on the internet with YouTube Video ads.

We would be glad to help put together a monthly plan for you to capture more market share, customers and a loyal following to your business.

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So how is our Social Media Marketing doing ? How can we tell ?

Thanks to my long time friend, Jim Liniger owner of Telehold in Portland Oregon for pointing out this great article on the “7 ways To Measure the ROI of Your Social Media Marketing”. I think my favorite one is # 5. Knowledge of Click-Through Rate and Impressions. If you know that, you should also make sure you have a good call to action: ie, get their email address for a free report, ask for the order, etc…



(Click Picture below to go to Article)



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6 Reasons Why You Should Be Doing Video Marketing

Is video advertising everything that you’ve heard? What’s so great about videos anyway? Video is one of the most powerful advertising tools out there. But why? Here it is: 6 reasons why video marketing is so persuasive.

  1. Search-ability

When consumers are looking for a service, the first place they go is a search engine. When it comes to search engine optimization, producing videos is the best way. Search engines boost content that is engaging, which means that a page with a video is given high priority. According to Marketing Week 2012, video results appeared in nearly 70% of the top 100 search results on Google. That gives your business a better chance of being searched and seen if you’re advertising with videos.

The secret to success with video production is utilizing YouTube. YouTube is the world’s second largest search engine and gets more than 4 billion views every day. Besides your website, consider posting your business’s video to YouTube, where you’re sure to get even more exposure.

  1. Sharing Is Caring

One of the best things about video is that it’s easy to share. On Twitter alone, there are more than 700 videos shared per minute. Advertising with a video makes your content more shareable online. As consumers view videos they connect with, they’ll want to share them with friends. And that’s free and effective advertising for you! After all, we’re all more likely to notice the content that our friends are sharing than to notice ads. Don’t underestimate the power of word-of-mouth, even when it occurs online.

Another great thing about social media is that it allows you to keep track of who is watching your videos and when. This allows you to measure the success of your marketing even more precisely than traditional TV ads or written advertisements.

  1. Consider The Costs

Fortunately, the costs of video production are affordable. So even if your business has a fairly small marketing budget, videos allow you to reach larger audiences while using up fewer dollars to do it. Not only is producing a video relatively cost-effective, it’s also long-lasting. While traditional advertising lasts for a limited time, online videos will be available for years to come. This gives your business more exposure every time a new online search is made.

  1. ‘Face to Face’ Interaction

Using videos allows you to show off your personality. Being able to put a face to your business is important in an online setting. It will build trust, credibility, and show your audience that you’re in touch with their needs. It’s by far the best way to create a lasting and relatable first impression. Videos also give your audience an opportunity to interact with you. The ability to comment on a video or even share it lets you know exactly what your audience is thinking.

  1. Give It to Me Now

We live in a fast-paced world. People are looking for the fastest way to get what they want right now. Who wants to spend 20 minutes reading an article when they can watch a 2 minute video clip and get the same story? Using video marketing gets the point across in less time and keeps short attention spans for longer. Watching a video is an experience that requires little effort. That means that people are more likely to stick around to hear what you have to say.

Videos also give viewers the option for instant gratification with options such as links to purchase, to visit your website, or to find out more. The option to ‘have it now’ is too appealing for most to turn away. Not to mention that people are always carrying their mobile devices with them for entertainment. And since videos make up more than half of mobile traffic, you have a better chance of being that source of entertainment if you’re taking advantage of video marketing.

  1. It’s All About Emotion

Video gives people a chance to connect to their emotional side.  Since videos combine several marketing elements such as body language, sounds, visuals, and of course, words, they are highly persuasive. All of these elements interact to give the viewer a clear idea of your message and provoke an emotional experience. People can be moved to laughter or tears, all the while being educated about your message. Video keeps your audience’s attention for longer and helps them remember the message better than traditional marketing can.

Because video is so emotional, people are more likely to take action after watching a video than they would be after reading. For example, the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge: hundreds of people shared videos of them dumping freezing water on their heads. The challenge wouldn’t have had nearly as much success if it had been written and shared. Video’s power to elicit emotions and call to action is what spurred this campaign to success.

It’s simple—video tells the story for you. And it does it in a way that people are going to remember.