Southgate Timber Company Ltd

Contact Information
Detailed Information

Southgate Timber is a company located in Moreton, Essex, and has been around since 1984. We know a lot about wood and we care about their customers. we try to be helpful and give good prices.

The people who work there know a lot about wood and can help you choose what you need. we have wood from all over the world, and we can even make it the way you want it. we’re good at getting your order ready fast, and if you need something right away, we can deliver it the next day.

we have three big buildings where we keep all their wood. In one of them, we have special types of wood for making things like decks and handrails. In another, we have many different kinds of wood from places like America and Africa. And in the third one, we keep big piles of wood that we can use to restock their shelves.

The people who work in the warehouses make sure everything is right, and the salespeople are friendly and quick to help. we use computers to make sure everything is correct before we give it to you.

we care about the environment too. we try to get all their wood from places where we grow more trees than we cut down, so there will always be plenty of trees in the future.

Date Established
Opening Hours
8:30 am - 5:00 pm
8:30 am - 5:00 pm
8:30 am - 5:00 pm
8:30 am - 5:00 pm
8:30 am - 5:00 am

Contact Southgate Timber Company Ltd